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Sobre Antonio Miranda















Enzo Minarelli, born in 1951 (graduated in a psycholinguistics thesis at the Venice University) has been involved into the fielhe fielits relationships with the sound, the writing, the video since the early Seventies. He has published many bood of poetry and its relationships with the sound, the writing, the video since the early Seventies. He has published many books of poetry, among them:


“Poesie Doccaso” (Reggio Emilia,1993),

“Meccanografie” (Udine,1991),

“Poemi Cognomi” (Rome,1988),

“El Poemméxico” (Mexico City 1988),

“Commediarcom” (Naple,1983),

“Multipoesie Melogrammatiche” (Mulino di Bazzano 1981),

“Obscuritas Obscenitas” (Mulino di Bazzano 1979).

Several sound editions in records, CDs and audiocassettes with collaborations to international radios and tv; in 1983 he founds 3ViTre PAIR Editions of Polypoetry, a record review. His sound poems are currently present in many international archives. He is now directing special Baobab issues about sound poetry in the world. In 1995 ‘Vocalità & Poesia’ a theoretical essay about the history of sound poetry in the Twientieth century, Elytra Edizioni, Reggio Emilia.


In 1987 he writes the Manifesto of Polypoetry, an attempt to theorize the live show of sound poetry, his polypoetical events (the Author calls with the label Polypoetry 1, 2, 3, 4, 5....shows about the poetry of the image, to be stressed the anthological one-man show at the Museo de Arte Moderna in Zaragoza (Spain) in 1986. Next to the production of book-objects, the series of picture on canvas called ‘Phonographies represent the central ..) have been performed in Europe, Canada, U.S.A., Mexico, Cuba and Brazil.


As a videopoet, he has been producing with the Centro Video Arte di Ferrara many videopoems since1982,and recently some videosoundpoetry installations among them ‘The Flag’ (1989), ‘The Shop’ (1991) by which he has taken part to european and american festivals. He still directs the Video Sound Poetry Festival, international meeting wholly dedicated to the connections between the video image and the sound of poetry, and Strumenti a Voce, a symposium-festival of polypoetry events, yearly held at DAMS, University of Bologna.


Many one-man shows of poetry of the image both in Italy and abroad, to point out the anthological show at the Modern Art Museum in Zaragoza (Spain) in 1986. Next to the production of objects-books, the canvas series called ‘Phonographies’ play the central part of his visual reasearch. He has edited many shows of visual poetry in Italy, recently he has been editor of italian selectons for the reviews Dimensão (Brazil) and Visible Language (U.S.A.).


He has been ‘visiting poet’ at the San Francisco State University, at the University of California in Davies, at the San Jose State University, at the University of California in San Diego, at the San Diego State University, at the Universidad Autonoma in Mexico City, at the Pontificia Università Cattolica São Paolo in Brazil.


Many critics have been writing about his work, to be pointed out at least, Renato Barilli (sorry, italian text only), Vittorio Fagone and Paul Zumthor (here one text).


DIMENSÃO. Revista Internacional de Poesia.  Ano XVIII  No. 27.  1998.  Editor:  Guido Bilharinho.  Uberaba, MG: 1998.  192 p.
                                                Ex. biblioteca de Antonio Miranda



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